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Troble Shooting

  • Python Personal Lib reference prior to installed (ex.helper error)
  • Python 속도 Cython은 암호화 (PyPy > Ctypes > Cython) 참고 site


  • 3e-4 is the best learning rate for Adam (Andrej Karpathy)
  • A Chat with Andrew on MLOps: From Model-centric to Data-centric AI (Androw Ng) 링크
  • 모델 중심에서 데이터 중심의 AI 개발로 (Ji Ho Park님) 링크

To-Do for AI

  • MRC / Gesture Recognition / MicroData Standard

Markdown Editor

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Dillinger(Markdown Editor) 링크
Data-Science-Cheatsheet 링크
Stanford ML 링크
KDnuggets 링크

AI Sites

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실무 AI 프로젝트 - 분석보다 엔지니어링이 중요한 이유 링크
Do we still need models or just more data and compute? 링크